I painted this last month, but kept forgetting to upload it. This was based on a photo I took while hiking in Connemara National Park in Ireland a few years ago. I actually took this photo with the intent to paint it someday! I’m pretty happy with it. I’m really enjoying the imperfect impressions watercolor yields.
Hey Julie
I really need to get a scanner. These photos never do my work justice. I mean just look at the color of the paper here! Does that look white? Sigh. I even tried to color-correct in PS too, but obviously did a half-assed job.
The title is “Hey Julie” because I had that song from Scrubs stuck in my head the entire time I did this.
I don’t think my watercolor skills are particularly strong, so I’m trying to improve. I am actually really happy with this piece, especially the mouth area.
Its nice to know I haven’t completely lost my touch. I love the lips, I’m really happy with how those turned out, but I might want the eyes to be slightly different. Oh well. This was a rough sketch. Took me forever to troubleshoot my Cintiq on the Windows desktop, but it was worth it. The sketch itself took me…less than an hour?