138 posts Posts by caffein4



I tried to do something like Disney hair but this turned out way more “anime” than I would have liked. Oh well!

For a Friend


I made a goofy YouTube outro image for a Korean friend of mine, and he was super psyched. I love positive feedback! Hahaha. I did not draw the head; he asked me to make something build around his avatar “It doesn’t have to be fancy- just some background, a simple oval body with arms and a Subscribe sign haha.” When I showed this to him, he called it a masterpiece. So there you have it folks – I’m a pro.

DISCLAIMER: This is not Comic Sans, this is actually a comic book styled font called “Comic” and those things are totally different. Obv.

P.S.: Also this is sort of a promo for his Twitter and Facebook accidentally, but I don’t think more than two people ever have probably seen this blog so it’s probably not a very good one. Oh well, hi Michael! <3

A Loss


Not creative, but an accomplishment I feel good about. I still have 17-27 more to go.

Its turkey lurkey time.


I also apparently have a thing for turkeys lately. I blame today’s on Spotify this morning, featuring Glee’s “Let’s have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time”.

Slightly dissatisfied creatures


Because I didn’t feel like drawing humans and a few of my friends have a case of the Mondays!



I am feeling better today. I probably shouldn’t have used a sharpie pen for this because it took forever to ink her hair and it smudges on this paper so I can’t erase any of my pencil lines. Tracy Chapman is on the cafe radio, and you can’t really ask for more than that. I think I’m going to go thrift shopping later for some clothes if the roads cooperate. This morning was crazy icy!



This looks more like ennui than the mix of sad and lonely that I feel today. But I tried.

To the beat of her own drummer


Cartoony little hippie. She looks totally unaware of the world and happy in the moment. Perhaps this is a celebration dance?



I sketched this and never finished, but this is a character concept and possible love interest for Robin.

Robin, Revisited


A color version of Robin (done a while ago, admittedly) My markers are clearly drying up. :/ oops.